Outbound mail items are subject to customs examination in the origin and destination. To facilitate examination process, it is crucial for customers to complete the customs declaration form(s) (CN22, CN23 or respective part(s) in the posting forms of Hongkong Post) in detail and provide the documentation(s) as required at the time of posting. On the other hand, postal administrations of certain destinations request senders to submit electronic customs declaration before sending mails, for details on electronic customs declaration requirements, please click here.
Please find below hyperlinks for useful information:
Customs authorities may lawfully withhold, seize or return any postal items, as well as impose duties/taxes and related charges on such items under their local legislations. It is the responsibility of the recipient or sender (as the case may be) to settle the charges and provide required documents, or commission brokerage service if necessary, for customs clearance. Customs authorities or postal administrations of destinations will not provide to Hongkong Post any information related to customs clearance.
In many destinations, recipients will be notified to settle the duties/taxes and related charges and/or provide supplementary document(s) as required at local customs office(s) or post office(s) before they can collect the items or arrange for their delivery. In some destinations, the above-mentioned charges will be collected at the time of delivery.
Failure to settle the required charges and provide necessary information/document(s) for customs clearance may result in delay in delivery, seizure or return of the item.
Customs declaration forms (CN22, CN23) and other types of posting forms can be obtained from post offices.
Customs declaration form (CN22/ Pos 401G) | Customs declaration form (CN23/ Pos 401C) |
Speedpost Address Pack (Pos 460) | Parcel address pack (Pos 652) |