The destinations are sorted in alphabetical order. Please select the first character of the destination:
A [PDF, 26 pages of 323KB] | |||
Afghanistan | Albania | Algeria | Andorra |
Angola | Anguilla | Antigua and Barbuda | Argentina |
Armenia | Aruba | Ascension | Australia (Commonwealth) |
Austria | Azerbaijan | Azores |
D [PDF, 9 pages of 162KB] | |||
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Democratic People's Republic of Korea | Denmark | Djibouti |
Dominica | Dominican Republic |
E [PDF, 12 pages of 207KB] | |||
Ecuador | Egypt | El Salvador | Equatorial Guinea |
Eritrea | Estonia | Eswatini | Ethiopia |
F [PDF, 13 pages of 190KB] | |||
Falkland Islands and The Territory of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands | Faröe Islands | Fiji | Finland |
France | French Guiana | French Polynesia | French West Indies |
G [PDF, 25 pages of 518KB] | |||
Gabon | Gambia | Gaza and Khan Yunis | Georgia |
Germany | Ghana | Gibraltar | Greece |
Greenland | Grenada | Guam | Guatemala |
Guinea | Guinea-bissau | Guyana |
H [PDF, 8 pages of 174KB] | |||
Haiti | Honduras (Rep.) | Hungary |
K [PDF, 18 pages of 292KB] | |||
Kazakhstan | Kenya | Kiribati | Korea |
Kosovo | Kuwait | Kyrgyzstan |
L [PDF, 12 pages of 199KB] | |||
Lao People's Dem. Rep. | Latvia | Lebanon | Lesotho |
Liberia | Libya | Liechtenstein | Lithuania |
Luxembourg |
O [PDF, 2 pages of 111KB] | |||
Oman |
P [PDF, 20 pages of 283KB] | |||
Pakistan | Palau | Panama (Rep.) | Papua New Guinea |
Paraguay | Peru | Philippines | Pitcairn Islands |
Poland | Portugal | Puerto Rico |
Q [PDF, 1 page of 81KB] | |||
Qatar |
R [PDF, 9 pages of 213KB] | |||
Réunion | Romania | Russia (Russian Federation) | Rwanda (Rep.) |
U [PDF, 37 pages of 529KB] | |||
Uganda | Ukraine | United Arab Emirates | United Kingdom |
United States of America | Uruguay | Uzbekistan |
V [PDF, 8 pages of 154KB] | |||
Vanuatu | Vatican | Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep.) | Viet Nam |
Virgin Islands (U.S.A.) |
W [PDF, 4 pages of 136KB] | |||
Wake Island | Wallis and Futuna Islands | Western Samoa |