Looking for a simple and effective tool for prospecting new customers? Circular Service can deliver promotional messages to potential customers without printing address

New Building Address Enquiry function

Service FeaturesOpen/collapse

“ledoads.com” Multi-channel Advertising Service

Quickly reach your target customers

Targeted geographical marketing

* PrismGeo is geo-demographic segmentation system which classifies consumers at the finest level of geography available in the market. For more information about PrismGeo, please visit www.saasapp.hk/prismgeo.

Cost-effective and Economical

Filter based on Industry and Interests

New Building Address Enquiry function


(Note: Saturday, Sunday and public holidays are excluded for performance measurement under the performance pledges; whereas for the purpose of determining the date of posting for all mail items, Sunday and public holidays are excluded.)

One-stop printing service

Irregular-shape Circular Service

Agency Partnership Program


Weight per item not exceedingRegular ShapeIrregular Shape
General AreasOutlying Islands & Remote AreasOnly Available in General Areas
Centrally Located Letter BoxesDoor-to-door DeliveryCentrally Located Letter BoxesDoor-to-door Delivery
30g $0.9 $1.1 $1.5 $1.1 $1.3
50g $1.3 $1.6 $2.3 $1.5 $1.8
100g $1.8 $2.2 $3.1 $2.1 $2.5
150g $2.0 $2.4 $3.9 $2.3 $2.7

(Note: This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, and is not applicable to the target selection fee of Premium Service and Irregular-shape Circular Mail Service.)

How to use the serviceOpen/collapse

Simple 1-2-3-step for posting circulars

Step 1: Preparation of Mailing List
  1. Register for a user account at circular.hongkongpost.hk. You can then check out the posting quantities of your target area with the aid of our user-friendly searching tools, by keywords, districts or map; or
  2. Call 2921 6526 for details.
Step 2: Submission of Application Form with Specimen for Approval

Submit application form and specimen online at circular.hongkongpost.hk.

Applicants who are not satisfied with the application results may contact Hongkong Post at 2525 5856 or by email to rbd@hkpo.gov.hk.

(Important Note: Please start printing your circular items after obtaining Hongkong Post's approval on the specimen.)

Step 3: Posting of Circulars

Post your printed circulars at the post office approving the application. Please present the approved application form and pay the postage at the time of posting.

Things to note when preparing your posting

Items that can be sent Envelopes, postcards, flyers, brochures, samples and premiums
Size Maximum: 150mm x 220mm; Minimum: 90mm x 140mm
Weight Maximum: 150g
Thickness Maximum: 10mm; Minimum: 0.1mm (about the thickness of 128 gsm art paper)
Sealing of Mail Item Item that include enclosures must be properly sealed up and evenly distributed.
Item in booklet format with staples should apply an adhesive sticker to the longest side of the booklet for sealing, see illustration
Leaflet in Z-fold should apply two adhesive stickers to the longest sides of the open ends of the item, see illustration
Shape Square or rectangular; Irregular shape (see details)
Minimum quantity of posting

1,000 identical items per posting

If the posting quantity is less than 1,000 items, a rate proportional to the postage for 1,000 items calculated according to selected address category will be charged.
Posting of Residual Items This option facilitates the posting of residual items below the minimum threshold of 1,000 items that are identical to lodgement previously approved within six months, without the need for paying the minimum postage of 1,000 items and submitting the mail specimen for approval. See posting conditions

The indicia must be placed on the right hand top corner of your circular.

stamp or stamp

image of indicia - dimensions

Maximum: 40 mm (W) x 30 mm (H)

Minimum: 20 mm (W) x 15 mm (H)

WARNING: The Hongkong Post Circular Service is an exclusive service provided by Hongkong Post. No person shall use or put the "Hongkong Post Circular Service" indicia on any item(s) that is/are not sent through Hongkong Post. Any person who contravenes this provision is regarded as having no lawful authority to use such indicia and will be subject to prosecution without further notice.

Download the Indicia:


Cash, cheque*, EPS or cashier order

* With prior arrangement with the Hongkong Post Financial Services Division by telephone on 2921 2244.
Note: Cheque and cashier order should be payable to "Postmaster General".

Note: The above arrangement is not applicable to jobs that require the design service and customized quotations.

“No Circular Mail” Opt-out Sticker Scheme and Exemptions

Circular mail will not be delivered to any delivery point labelled with a “No Circular Mail” sticker. Senders must include the following statement in their circulars:

"If you would like to opt out from receiving circular mail, please place a “No Circular Mail” sticker on the letter box. The stickers are freely available at all post offices, Home Affairs Enquiry Centres of District Offices as well as estate management offices of public housing estates and selected private residential developments. However, circular mail posted by the Government and related organisations, Legislative Councillors, District Councillors, election candidates and charitable bodies eligible for tax relief under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance are exempted from this opt-out scheme."

How to prepare mail exempted from the "No Circular Mail" Opt-out Sticker Scheme

Exempted senders could choose to deliver their circular items to all delivery points or those not bearing “No Circular Mail” stickers. If all delivery points are chosen, senders must print “EXEMPTED*” beneath the indicia as well as the below remark at the bottom of the same face (or overleaf):

“* This mail is eligible for exemption from “No Circular Mail” Opt-out Sticker Scheme.”

Minimum size: 20mm (w) x 20mm (h)

Download the Indicia:

Indicia carrying the "Exempted*" indication is only applicable for senders eligible for the "No Circular Mail" Opt-out Sticker Scheme, including government and related organisations, Legislative Councillors, District Councillors, election candidates and charitable bodies eligible for tax relief under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.

Note: Exemptions are only applicable for government and related organisations, Legislative Councillors, District Councillors, election candidates and charitable bodies eligible for tax relief under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.

See details of all posting conditions

Where to post the itemsOpen/collapse

Hong Kong


New Territories

Outlying Islands

Frequently Asked QuestionsOpen/collapse

  1. What is the opt-out sticker scheme of Circular Service?
  2. Do I have to seek approval from Hongkong Post on the design and content of my circular item? How long does it take?
  3. If an applicant would like to check the status of the application or is not satisfied with the result of application, who can he/she contact?
  4. What can I do when there is discrepancy on the number of units between the time for submitting application and the time of posting?
  5. How should I prepare payment in advance particularly for cheque payment as the amount of postage may be different between application submission and actual posting.
  6. What should I do with the remaining items carrying the Hongkong Post Circular (HKPCS) indicia after I posted through the HKPCS earlier on?
  7. What should members of the Legislative Council or District Councils pay attention to when sending exempted circular mail?