Hongkong Post Circular Service enables you to receive updated market news such as promotion discounts from the commercial sector as well as important information from the public sector including the government and non-governmental organizations.
However, you may choose to stop from receiving circular mail simply by following the below guidelines.
If you wish to opt-out from receiving unaddressed circular mail delivered by Hongkong Post, you can place a designated "No Circular Mail" sticker on your letter box, and our postmen will not deliver to you any unaddressed circular mail.
"No Circular Mail" stickers are available for free at all post offices, mobile post offices, Home Affairs Enquiry Centres of district offices, estate management offices of public housing estates and individual private properties.
Individual private properties can submit the register to distribute / request free opt-out stickers form by email to optout@hkpo.gov.hk or by fax to 2541 4868.
By simply placing a "No Circular Mail" sticker at the top right hand area of the front of the letter box, our postmen will not deliver to that letter box any unaddressed circular mail. However, the "No Circular Mail" Opt-out Sticker Scheme does not cover unaddressed circular mail posted by government and related organisations, Legislative Councillors/District Councillors, election candidates, and election candidates and charitable bodies eligible for tax exempt under Section 88 of Inland Revenue Ordinance. Please also note that this scheme is not applicable to addressed advertising mail.
You can remove the sticker from your letter box and our postmen will deliver circular mail to you.
You can affix a new sticker to your letter box.
Place the sticker at the top right hand area of the front of the letter box
Please remember to remove the "No Circular Mail" sticker from your letter box before you move out.
Click to see the Guidelines for using the "No Circular Mail" stickers.
To obtain the sticker through mail, please fill in this form or call 2921 6526.
Place a "No Circular Mail" sticker at the top right hand area of the front of the letter box. To ensure that the sticker is effective, the recipient(s) in respect of such letter box should make sure that it is properly placed on the letter box concerned and is clearly visible. Hongkong Post shall not be responsible for any misplacement or loss of any sticker.
Unaddressed circular mail will not be delivered to letter boxes/delivery points labelled with a "No Circular Mail" sticker (except those from government and related organisations, Legislative Councillors/District Councillors, election candidates and charitable institutions or trusts of a public character which are exempt from tax under Section 88 of Inland Revenue Ordinance). The scheme, however, is not applicable to unaddressed promotional items not delivered through Hongkong Post or any addressed advertising mail.
Consensus must be reached on an opt-out from receiving circular mail by all the recipients (individual persons or organisations) of a mailing address. Hongkong Post will not be liable for any disputes or claims arising from the affixing of a "No Circular Mail" sticker.
For mailing addresses without a letter box, the "No Circular Mail" sticker should be placed at a conspicuous position of the front door.
Example of placing sticker at the front door