Since 1999, Civil Service Bureau has been organising an annual Customer Service Award Scheme to give recognition to departments and teams which provide outstanding customer service. The objectives of the Scheme are-
In the Award Scheme in 2003-04, an Outstanding Customer Service Award was presented to departments for driving customer service improvement. Among the 29 participating departments, Hongkong Post won the Champion of the Department Award.
Besides, the award was also be given out to teams of officers in recognition of their efforts in providing outstanding customer service in the areas of hotline, counter, front-line, e-service and internal support services. Winners were selected on the basis of customer satisfaction, customer service culture and cost effectiveness. In this regard, Hongkong Post also won four awards in the Team Award as follows:
The adjudication of Outstanding Customer Service Award included assessment of written submissions, visits to the entry departments and teams and assessment of presentations made by shortlisted departments and teams. Members of the adjudicating panels included Legislative Councilors, District Councilors and representatives of the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management, Hong Kong Management Association, Hong Kong Association of Customer Service Excellence, staff sides of the Central Consultative Councils and the Civil Service Bureau.
The adjudication of entries was completed and the results were announced in the "Prize Presentation Night", a television program broadcast on Sunday 30 May 2004 (TVB Jade). At the presentation ceremony, the Postmaster General, Mr Allan CHIANG said, "I'm extremely delighted to receive this award as it acknowledges the outstanding achievement of over 7,000 Hongkong Post staff. My sincere thanks go to Hong Kong citizens and various commercial organizations for their unfailing support. I have also got the Jury to thank for their recognition of our quality customer service. We'll work harder to excel and fulfill our corporate statement: "Linking People, Delivering Business"."
Hongkong Post won the Champion of the Department Award, Civil Service Customer Service Award Scheme 2003-04 "Outstanding Customer Service Award" and was invited to attend "Prize Presentation Night" on 30 May 2004.