iAM Smart account is now available for all Hong Kong residents free of charge, which enables them to go for online transactions with the Government and commercial sector with a single digital identity and authentication. Upon successful registration, an iAM Smart account will be bound to the personal mobile device of the applicant. A user can make use of the biometric functions (including facial recognition, fingerprint identification, etc.) provided by his/her personal mobile device to authenticate his/her identities for log-in of online services. iAM Smart also supports digital signing with legal backing under the Electronic Transactions Ordinance (Cap. 553) for handling statutory documents and relevant procedures.

Hongkong Post provides registration service to the Digital Policy Office’s “iAM Smart+”, i.e. an account with digital signing function. An applicant needs to bring along his/her smart HKID card and smart phone to any post office (except mobile post office) for registration. For further details on the use and operation of “iAM Smart”, please call the iAM Smart enquiry hotline at 182 123 or visit “iAM Smart” thematic website.

Registration Process of “iAM Smart+”

Before registering for “iAM Smart+’ at post office, an applicant should:-

During the registration process, staff of the post office will ask the applicant to provide his/her smart HKID card for data and identity verification.



Where to register

Applicants can register for “iAM Smart+” at any post offices, except mobile post offices.