A. New customs requirements

1. What are the new requirements for submitting electronic customs declaration information for sending mail containing goods to European Union (EU) and Switzerland and Norway?

Effective from 4 December 2024, the European Union (EU), Switzerland and Norway have implemented a new security and safety programme under EU’s Import Control System 2 (ICS2) requiring all inbound and transit mails containing goods to undergo preliminary pre-departure customs assessment at the origin of posting. Senders need to submit electronic customs declaration for all mail items containing goods destined to or transited via the EU, Switzerland and Norway. Senders are required to provide a local mobile phone number that can receive SMS, so that if necessary they can receive messages issued by Hongkong Post on the request by the postal administrations and/or customs authorities of the destination and transit location related to customs clearance of the mail items and take follow up actions.

2. What mail does the new requirement apply to?

For all mails containing goods destined to or transited via the European Union, Switzerland and Norway.


B. Points to note for customs declaration and mail preparation

1. What information does the sender need to provide in the electronic customs declaration?

The sender needs to provide the following information while making electronic customs declaration:

All categories of mail containing goods which do not come with accurate electronic customs information will be subject to delay during customs clearance, may not be processed or may be returned, no postage refund will be entertained. Senders should provide the return address and a local mobile phone number that can receive SMS. Items returned without sender’s information will be destroyed.

2. What is Harmonized System code ?

The Harmonized System code (HS code) is the standard number of various goods. Sender can search the standard name and HS code of the goods through the website of Census and Statistics Department (https://www.censtatd.gov.hk/en/index_hs_code.html) or online posting platforms. Senders shall ensure that the HS Code provided matches with the declared content.

3. What are the requirements for electronic customs declaration ?

To ensure that the postal administrations and/or customs authorities of the destination and transit location can successfully receive and retrieve the electronic customs declaration information, it is recommended to fill in the information using English and numbers only as far as possible, without adding any punctuation marks.

4. If the sender is a tourist or does not have a local mobile number to receive SMS, how can he/she track the item status?

Senders are required to provide a local mobile phone number that can receive SMS, so that if necessary they can receive messages issued by Hongkong Post on the requests by the postal administrations and/or customs authorities of the destination and transit location related to customs clearance of the mail items and take follow up actions. If the sender does not have a local mobile number, the sender can check the status and required follow-up actions through the Hongkong Post website after posting. In addition, sender please keep the receipt and certificate of posting after posting for future inquiries.


C. Customs assessment

1. Where can senders submit electronic customs declaration?

Hongkong Post has made available various channels, including online platforms (Easy Pre-Customs, EC-Ship, My Speedpost and Post Now), the Hongkong Post mobile App and the kiosk or tablet in all post offices, for senders to submit electronic customs declaration. For details, please refer to Hongkong Post’s web site (https://www.hongkongpost.hk/en/other/2020/ecustoms/index.html)

2. How long does it usually take for preliminary customs assessment?

Assessment time depends on the postal administrations and/or customs authorities of the destination and transit location and it also varies from case to case.

3. How does the sender know that the customs needs him to submit additional information?

Senders are required to provide a local mobile phone number that can receive SMS, so that if necessary they can receive messages issued by Hongkong Post on the requests by the postal administrations and/or customs authorities of the destination and transit location related to customs clearance of the mail items and take follow up actions. Hongkong Post will not embed hyperlinks in the related SMS requesting for any personal information. Members of the public could contact Hongkong Post enquiry hotline 2921 2222 direct if they have any doubts on the SMS received.

The sender is required to supplement the customs declaration information within 3 working days after sending the SMS

4. What should the sender do if he/she does not receive the SMS?

The sender can check the customs clearance status through the mail tracking function on the Hongkong Post website, and supplement the customs declaration information. For enquiries, please contact Hongkong Post enquiry hotline at 2921 2222.

5. If the sender fails to supplement the customs declaration information within the deadline, how will the mail be handled?

If the sender fails to provide additional information within the deadline, the mail will be returned to the sender. The sender needs to collect the mail at the posting post office with password in the SMS and apply for a postage refund. The sender can also choose to pay again and re-post the mail with a new mail number.

6. If the customs authority refuses to accept the mail, what can the sender do?

If the sender is notified that his/her mail items are not accepted by the customs, the mail will be returned with postage refund. This arrangement avoids the item being rejected and returned by the customs authority upon arrival at destination, for which no postage will be refunded. The sender may choose to pay again and repost the item with a new item number.

7. How will the sender know if the customs assessment is completed?

Senders can check the status of their mail through the Hongkong Post website.

8. How can I appeal for the customs assessment result?

The postal administrations and/or customs authorities of the destination and transit location will conduct preliminary assessment at the origin of posting prior to the departure of all mail items containing goods sent to/ transited via those destinations based on electronic customs data provided. Item acceptable for final delivery at destination is also subject to final assessment by the customs authorities. For any questions on the assessment result, senders or recipients could lodge enquiry to the destination customs authority directly. The webpage link of the respective customs authority could be found in below.

Destinations Customs webpage link
EU 27 countries https://taxation-customs.ec.europa.eu/customs-4/union-customs-code/national-customs-administrations_en
Norway https://www.toll.no/en/about-norwegian-customs/contact-us/
Switzerland https://www.bazg.admin.ch/bazg/en/home/services/kontakt-oeffnungszeiten.html

D. Compensation and refund

1. Will there be any postage refund if the mail fails the pre-assessment by the postal administrations and/or customs authorities of the destination and transit location?

If the mail item has not departed Hong Kong and is returned to the sender, the postage paid will be refunded. (Unless dangerous goods or prohibited item is found)

Sender will be notified by a SMS if the item could not pass the customs clearance and the item will be returned. Afterwards, the sender will receive another SMS containing a password to notify the sender to retrieve the mail from posting post office. The sender needs to collect the mail at the post office with the password in the SMS and apply for a postage refund.

2. Will there be any compensation for delay under the new requirements?

There will be no compensation for any delay or mail return caused by customs assessment or failing to pass security inspection.


E. Enquiry

1. How can the public enquire about the customs declaration arrangements?

The public can browse through Hongkong Post website, or call the Hongkong Post enquiry hotline 2921 2222 for enquiries.
