In 2016/17, continuous efforts were made to improve the efficient use of energy while minimising the impact of our daily operations on the environment. We also requested our contractors to supply environmental-friendly products and services.
Room temperature is controlled at 25.5°C
Encouraging staff to use staircase instead of lifts
In 2016/17, the AMC continued to participate in the Carbon Reduction Programme of the Hong Kong International Airport. Greenhouse gas emission of the AMC in 2016 was 10% lower than that in 2015.
The CMC joined the Energy-cum-Carbon Audit Programme organised by Environmental Protection Department and Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund (EMSTF) in 2016/17. The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions was 5963.3 tonnes of CO2 equivalent during 2015/16. The CMC is following up the GHG emissions reduction measures recommended in the audit report.
In 2016/17, we extended the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Certification Scheme organised by the Environmental Protection Department to 18 from 10 HKP premises in 2015/16. The fifth floor of CMC was awarded the “Excellent” IAQ Class. The following 17 premises were awarded the “Good” IAQ Class:
Wooden pallets collected at the GPO building for recycling
We installed the food waste machine at the staff canteens at the AMC and CMC. In 2016/17, around 558.5 kg of food waste was collected and converted to organic fertiliser.
Food waste machine installed at the AMC
Three-coloured recycling bins are placed in the GPO Building, CMC and AMC to collect waste paper, aluminium cans and plastic bottles.
Recycling bins placed at the CMC
In 2016/17, our paper consumption was reduced by 7.3% compared to 2015/16.
We make use of the blank side of used paper for general office purpose whenever possible, while reusing used envelopes and file jackets for internal circulation. We remind staff to think twice before making physical copies of documents. Service information leaflets are printed on recycled paper or paper made from wood pulp derived from sustainable forests, and the printing quantity is minimised.
Postal information, news and promotional information are released to the public by electronic means through the HKP website (, the HKP app and e-DMs.
Mobile app of HKP
Recycled paper purchased
HKP follows the green specifications promulgated by the Environmental Protection Department in procurement. Green guidelines are adopted in new cleansing contracts while emission requirements are incorporated in the tender specifications for hired vehicle service. In 2016, our green purchase value accounted for 97.4% of the Department’s total expenditure on products on the green procurement list promulgated by the Environmental Protection Department, compared to 97% in 2015.
We ensure that our postal vehicle fleet satisfies the statutory environmental requirements. As at March 2017, HKP postal vehicle fleet consisted of 171 environmental-friendly vehicles, including eight electric vehicles and 106 vehicles which complied with Euro V/VI emission standards. They accounted for 67% of our entire fleet, against 63% as at March 2016. Bicycles are used in some rural areas for mail delivery.
Hybrid (left) and energy efficient vehicles used by HKP
Environmental-friendly paper is used for HKP philatelic products. The stamp paper, made with recyclable pulp approved by the Forest Stewardship Council, is manufactured by an ISO 14001 certified company.
As at 31 March 2017, over 19 000 local standing order customers and 1 200 overseas mail order customers had registered to make stamp purchases via our online ordering platform, Stamp OnNet. Up to 26 000 local standing order customers had opted to receive philatelic newsletters and stamp order collection letters by email.
To nurture a green culture among our staff, we educate our colleagues on environmental protection through the following activities:
Environmental article published in the staff newsletter
HKP actively takes part in green campaigns organised by other organisations. In 2016/17, we participated in a number of activities, such as “Hong Kong No Air-Con Night” organised by Green Sense, “Earth Hour 2017” by World Wide Fund for Nature, “Green Day 2016” organised by the Community Chest of Hong Kong and “No Car Day 2016” and “Woodland Conservation Day 2016” by Friends of the Earth (HK).
In January 2017, we also joined the “Red Packet Recycling Programme 2017” organised by Greeners Action. We collected 61.1 kg of used red pockets at the GPO, AMC and CMC in February 2017 for recycling.
Staff participating in “Woodland Conservation Day 2016”
We participated in the “Red Packet Recycling Programme 2017” organised by Greeners Action.
In the 2016 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE), organised by the Environmental Protection Department, the CMC was awarded a Certificate of Merit in the Public Services Sector. The HKAEE is an annual award which aims to encourage organisations to widely implement environmental management with measurable achievements.
HKP was awarded a Certificate of Merit in the Public Services Sector of HKAEE