The Government has set a target of reducing 5% of electricity consumption for all government buildings over the period of 2015/16 to 2019/20 under comparable operating conditions, using 2013/14 as the baseline. In 2015/16, the normalised electricity consumption was reduced by 8.36% when compared with the base year 2013/14.
To explore new energy-saving opportunities for our major premises, we will conduct energy-cum-carbon audit for CMC in 2016.
In the coming year, we will continue to monitor the indoor air quality in our offices and carry out the Internal Air Quality inspection for more offices.
We are studying how to further reduce paper consumption in our service provision, such as wider use of e-forms, e-notification and e-billing. The automated systems under development will not only enhance operational efficiency, but also help further reduce paper consumption and save resources. We will also further promote our online service platforms and encourage our customers to switch to green packaging.
Online form
We will continue to rally the support of all our staff to our corporate green programme by raising staff awareness of environmental protection issues, sharing best practices for implementation in our daily operations, and encouraging suggestions for more efficient use of resources and energy in the workplace.