Customer Feedback

In 2014/15, we received 2 744 commendations and 172 complaints from members of the public, representing an increase of 5.1% and a decrease of 31.2% respectively compared to 2013/14.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

We conduct customer satisfaction surveys regularly. In 2014/15, the overall customer satisfaction level reached 98.7%, with satisfaction levels of 97.7% for counter service, 98.8% for delivery service and 96.8% for hotline service.

Customer Liaison Groups

HKP has set up three Customer Liaison Groups, with members coming from different sectors of the community, such as District Councils, local chambers of commerce and SME associations, account customers, philatelists and the general public, to tap their views on HKP’s service provision. A total of 12 meetings were held with these groups in 2014/15 to discuss a range of product and service issues. Valuable comments and suggestions were received from group members to help us improve our product offerings as well as service quality.

Customer Liaison Groups

Customer Liaison Groups

PostalPlus for SME

PostalPlus for SME serves as a communication platform between HKP and its local SME customers. Members receive e-newsletters which contain updates on postal solutions and business tips. In collaboration with local SME associations, we organise workshops with customised content such as e-Commerce, brand-building and advertising solutions, logistics solutions, etc. to cater for the specific service needs of different industries. As at end March 2015, PostalPlus for SME had over 44 000 members.

Public Recognition


HKP was awarded the Gold Level Certification by the Universal Postal Union Express Mail Service Cooperative for the excellent performance of our Speedpost service. Only five postal administrations worldwide received the Gold Level Certification in 2014.

Speedpost won “The Best SME Partners 2014 – Logistics” award organised by Economic Digest for the eighth consecutive year. It was also named the “Excellent Brand of Business Express Service” in the “Hong Kong Leaders’ Choice 2014” organised by Metro Finance.

Customer Service

Delivery postman Mr LAU Chun-wai won the Individual Award (Field & Special Service) – Silver Award in the Customer Service Excellence Award 2014 organised by the Hong Kong Association for Customer Service Excellence.

Corporate Excellence

HKP ranked second among ten major government departments in the Hong Kong Government Service Excellence Index 2014 compiled by the Efficiency Unit of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government.

In the Junzi Corporation Survey 2014 organised by Hang Sang Management College, HKP was once again recognised as a Junzi Corporation and received the Exemplary Business Award, Junzi Corporation Gold Award, “Yi” Award and “Xin” Award. With our commitment to consumer care, HKP was recognised as a “Consumer Caring Company” under the Consumer Caring Scheme organised by GS1 Hong Kong.

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