Training and development
Hongkong Post's stated strategy of developing "World Class People" continues to underpin recruitment and training programmes with the objective of developing a competent workforce to better serve the community. The number of training days offered to staff in 2010/11 increased to 31,802 days compared with 29,416 days during the previous year.
Initiatives to promote and sustain our customer service culture were rolled out during the year, including the launch of the "Go the Extra Mile for You" customer service programme for supervisors in both Speedpost and mail delivery teams. A self-learning video aimed at enhancing the service and communications skills of front line personnel was also launched. Staff manning hotlines have been arranged to participate in a customer service training programme which placed an emphasis on the mindset and skill sets required to handle customers' enquiries and complaints.
We have continued to promote integrity management both as part of the induction course undertaken by new recruits and, amongst newly promoted supervisors. The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) was invited to conduct workshops to enhance awareness about the importance of corruption prevention and supervisory accountability.
Other workshops were organised to help staff understand the importance of compliance with statutory requirements. Topics covered included:
Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance – training workshops were organised for managerial and supervisory staff to develop a better understanding on the interpretation and application of the Ordinance;
Accessibility of Government premises, facilities and services – training workshops were organised for Access Officers at all post offices to raise staff awareness and understanding of accessibility issues and the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Ordinance;
Gender awareness – this workshop helped managerial staff focus on the enhancement of gender awareness and the application of gender mainstreaming in daily work.
In October 2010, we organised a training programme for managerial staff in collaboration with the State Postal Bureau and the China Post Group. The programme broadened understanding of and exposure to the operation and management practices of China Post. We also continued our efforts to arrange for some senior officers to attend renowned executive management programmes.
Improving Productivity
The momentum built by the Productivity and Quality Management System (PQMS) continued over the past year. The Productivity Improvement Team (PIT) has extended its "lean management" concepts to counter services and delivery offices covering mail rooms at commercial buildings. Post-implementation auditing at sorting centres was conducted on a regular basis to sustain the quality of ongoing operations and to recommend additional measures to enhance productivity.
Safety and Health in the Workplace
Maintaining employees' health and safety, in practice and in our work culture, remains a priority. We achieve this through carefully crafted programmes that encompass workplace issues across the board in our operations.
A comprehensive two-year Internal Safety Audit Programme commenced in 2010, emphasising the shared responsibility of all staff to maintain a high level of safety performance. At the same time, the Work Safe Behaviour Programme has been extended to the platform of the General Post Office in 2010. This programme proved to be effective in lowering injuries to staff while on duty as well as building a safe workplace for everyone. We also continued to commission professional trainers to conduct a wide spectrum of safety and health training courses. These diverse courses included risk assessment, safety inspection, accident investigation, manual handling, tail-lift operations, and prevention of dog-bites, bicycle safety and first aid.
"Appreciation Month" Programme
As part of our ongoing effort to show our appreciation to both staff and customers, we introduced "Appreciation Month" in October 2010. A series of activities were organised including a "Care from the Heart" exhibition to showcase the good deeds of staff members when rendering service to customers, and "Encourage Badges" which were distributed by supervisors, managers and directorate level officers in recognition of staff commitment and contributions.
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