Hong Kong Street Posting Boxes

There are about 1170 Street Posting Boxes in Hong Kong for the public to post mail. They are mainly rectangular fibreglass posting boxes, with a small portion are cast-iron posting boxes.

Rectangular fibreglass posting boxes include ‘AA’ type, S-AA type, round top AA type, round top s-AA and large letter box (packet box).

Large letter box (packet box)

Large letter box
(packet box)

Round top AA type

Round top AA type

‘AA’ type

‘AA’ type

S-AA type

S-AA type

Round top s-AA

Round top s-AA

Cast-iron posting boxes include oval type, pillar type and wall type.

Pillar type

Pillar type

Wall type

Wall type

Oval type

Oval type

Stanley Post Office

To conserve Hong Kong's postal heritage, Hongkong Post completed the restoration of nine old posting boxes in October 2013.

Four old street posting boxes in Hong Kong are now on display. Two of them are displayed at the Postal Gallery at General Post Office. The remaining two are displayed at the Postal Gallery at Hongkong Post Building and on the external wall of Stanley Post Office respectively.
